Automotive and Mechanic Schools in Oregon

Automotive and Mechanic SchoolsOf the 67 Colleges in Oregon, twelve schools offer Automotive and Mechanic programs.

Automotive and Mechanic diplomas are greatly in demand by companies these days, and students who graduate in this field of study almost always have several job opportunities waiting for them by the time they graduate school.

Expected salaries for jobs in the Automotive and Mechanic industry, such as an automotive service technician, are usually very high relative to most other Oregon salaries and wages.

Oregon Automotive and Mechanic Schools

Portland Community CollegePortland Community CollegePortland, OR
Portland Community College Rating
3 automotive and mechanic majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Roughly 19,400 students. Safe campus.

Mt Hood Community CollegeMt Hood Community CollegeGresham, OR
Mt Hood Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Approximately 6,100 students. Generally safe campus.

Lane Community CollegeLane Community CollegeEugene, OR
Lane Community College Rating
3 automotive and mechanic majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $11k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. About 6,800 students. Generally safe campus.

Chemeketa Community CollegeChemeketa Community CollegeSalem, OR
Chemeketa Community College Rating
3 automotive and mechanic majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $12k. About 7,700 students. Safe campus.

Blue Mountain Community CollegeBlue Mountain Community CollegePendleton, OR
Blue Mountain Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Roughly 1,300 students. Safe campus.

Linn Benton Community CollegeLinn Benton Community CollegeAlbany, OR
Linn Benton Community College Rating
3 automotive and mechanic majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $13k. Roughly 4,300 students. Safe campus. ROTC programs.

Clackamas Community CollegeClackamas Community CollegeOregon City, OR
Clackamas Community College Rating
3 automotive and mechanic majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $13k. Roughly 4,700 students. Relatively safe campus.

Rogue Community CollegeRogue Community CollegeGrants Pass, OR
Rogue Community College Rating
2 automotive and mechanic majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $5k. Roughly 3,500 students. Safe campus.

Central Oregon Community CollegeCentral Oregon Community CollegeBend, OR
Central Oregon Community College Rating
2 automotive and mechanic majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $12k. On-campus housing. Approximately 4,200 students. Safe campus.

Umpqua Community CollegeUmpqua Community CollegeRoseburg, OR
Umpqua Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $5k. Affordable on-campus housing option. About 2,400 students. Safe campus.

Klamath Community CollegeKlamath Community CollegeKlamath Falls, OR
Klamath Community College Rating
2 automotive and mechanic majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $7k. More than 1,600 students. Safe campus.

Clatsop Community CollegeClatsop Community CollegeAstoria, OR
Clatsop Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $8k. About 800 students. Safe campus.

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We list 6 automotive and mechanic schools and colleges in Las Vegas, Elko, Reno, and Carson City. Around 400 automotive and mechanic diplomas and certificates are granted each year. Average tuition for automotive and mechanic programs in NV is roughly $11,000.

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