Barbering and Hairstyling Schools in Ohio

Barbering and Hairstyling SchoolsOut of the 249 Ohio Colleges, seventeen schools provide Barbering and Hairstyling programs.

Barbering and Hairstyling diplomas can be in demand by employers currently, and students who graduate in these programs usually have many career opportunities ready for them almost immediately after they finish school.

Income figures for jobs in the Barbering and Hairstyling industry, such as a hair salon manager, are typically very well paying when compared to standard Ohio income figures.

Ohio Barbering and Hairstyling Schools

Toledo Public Schools Adult and Continuing EducationToledo Public Schools Adult and Continuing EducationToledo, OH
Toledo Public Schools Adult and Continuing Education Rating
Great retention rate. Tuition: $11k. Approximately 100 students. Unsafe campus.

Allstate Hairstyling & Barber CollegeAllstate Hairstyling & Barber CollegeCleveland, OH
Allstate Hairstyling & Barber College Rating
Excellent student retention rate. About 100 students. Safe campus.

Salon Institute ToledoSalon Institute ToledoToledo, OH
Salon Institute Toledo Rating
Outstanding student retention rate. Around 200 students. Safe campus.

The Spa SchoolThe Spa SchoolColumbus, OH
The Spa School Rating
Excellent student retention rate. Over 200 students. Safe campus.

Dayton Barber CollegeDayton Barber CollegeMiamisburg, OH
Dayton Barber College Rating
More than 100 students. Safe campus.

Meryma'at Barber CollegeMeryma'at Barber CollegeCleveland, OH
Meryma'at Barber College Rating
Roughly 100 students. Safe campus.

Casal Aveda InstituteCasal Aveda InstituteNiles, OH
Casal Aveda Institute Rating
Approximately 200 students. Safe campus.

Brown Aveda Institute MentorBrown Aveda Institute MentorMentor, OH
Brown Aveda Institute Mentor Rating
Great retention rate. Approximately 200 students. Safe campus.

Paul Mitchell the School ClevelandPaul Mitchell the School ClevelandTwinsburg, OH
Paul Mitchell the School Cleveland Rating
Approximately 200 students. Safe campus.

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We reviewed 24 fashion schools and colleges in Columbus, Cincinnati, Nelsonville, Bowling Green, Kirtland, Westerville, Akron, and 19 more cities. Approximately 700 fashion diplomas are granted each academic year. Average tuition for fashion programs in OH is around $24,100.

Barbering and Hairstyling Schools in Nearby States

Our listing contains 9 barbering and hairstyling schools and colleges in Indianapolis, Gary, Merrillville, Highland, Fort Wayne, Kokomo, Hammond, Evansville, and Schererville. About 200 barbering and hairstyling degrees are granted every year.

Read about 2 barbering and hairstyling schools and colleges in Campbellsville and Louisville. About 100 barbering and hairstyling diplomas are granted every academic year. Average tuition for barbering and hairstyling programs in KY is about $25,600.

We list 9 barbering and hairstyling schools and colleges in Pittsburgh, Uniontown, Reading, Lancaster, Harrisburg, Norristown, and Bethlehem. Approximately 200 barbering and hairstyling diplomas are granted each year. Average tuition for barbering and hairstyling programs in PA is approximately $10,900.

West Virginia
Read about 6 barbering and hairstyling schools and colleges in Charleston, Clarksburg, Morgantown, Martinsburg, and Beaver. Approximately 100 barbering and hairstyling degrees are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for barbering and hairstyling programs in WV is about $7,700.