Education Schools in Hawaii

Education SchoolsOut of the 20 Colleges in Hawaii, twelve schools provide Education programs.

Education diplomas are often greatly in demand by employers today, and graduates of this program have many job openings awaiting them almost immediately after they graduate college.

Income figures for jobs in the Education industry, such as a counselor, are usually very well paying when compared to standard Hawaii income figures.

Hawaii Education Schools

University of Hawaii at ManoaUniversity of Hawaii at ManoaHonolulu, HI
University of Hawaii at Manoa Rating
12 education majors. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $33k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Approximately 19,100 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1150, ACT 21 to enroll.

Chaminade University of HonoluluChaminade University of HonoluluHonolulu, HI
Chaminade University of Honolulu Rating
9 education majors. Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $28k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. Roughly 2,400 students. Generally safe campus. ROTC programs are available. ACT 21 to enroll.

Hawaii Pacific UniversityHawaii Pacific UniversityHonolulu, HI
Hawaii Pacific University Rating
3 education majors. Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $31k. On-campus housing. About 4,900 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs. SAT 1100, ACT 24 to enroll.

University of Hawaii at HiloUniversity of Hawaii at HiloHilo, HI
University of Hawaii at Hilo Rating
2 education majors. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $20k. Affordable on-campus housing option. More than 3,000 students. Dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. SAT 1030, ACT 19 to enroll.

Brigham Young University HawaiiBrigham Young University HawaiiLaie, HI
Brigham Young University Hawaii Rating
20 education majors. Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $6k. On-campus housing option. Approximately 2,800 students. Dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. ACT 23 to enroll.

University of Hawaii West OahuUniversity of Hawaii West OahuKapolei, HI
University of Hawaii West Oahu Rating
Bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $20k. About 3,000 students. Generally safe campus. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1050, ACT 19 to enroll.

Leeward Community CollegeLeeward Community CollegePearl City, HI
Leeward Community College Rating
2 education majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Around 6,300 students. Safe campus. ROTC programs.

Kauai Community CollegeKauai Community CollegeLihue, HI
Kauai Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Around 1,400 students. Safe campus.

University of Hawaii Maui CollegeUniversity of Hawaii Maui CollegeKahului, HI
University of Hawaii Maui College Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Affordable on-campus housing. Around 2,500 students. Safe campus.

Honolulu Community CollegeHonolulu Community CollegeHonolulu, HI
Honolulu Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Roughly 3,100 students. Generally safe campus. ROTC programs are available.

Kapiolani Community CollegeKapiolani Community CollegeHonolulu, HI
Kapiolani Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Roughly 5,900 students. Safe campus.

Hawaii Community CollegeHawaii Community CollegeHilo, HI
Hawaii Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Affordable on-campus housing. Roughly 2,200 students. Relatively safe campus.

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Related Programs in Hawaii

General Studies
Read about 13 general studies schools and colleges in Honolulu, Hilo, Lihue, Kaneohe, Laie, Kahului, Pearl City, and Kapolei. About 2,300 general studies diplomas are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for general studies programs in HI - $10,700.

Social Work
We list 9 social work schools and colleges in Honolulu, Kapolei, Laie, and Kahului. Approximately 600 social work diplomas and certificates are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for social work programs in HI is approximately $24,100.