Medical Schools in Alaska

Having as many as five
Medical Schools,
Alaska, "Seward's Ice Box", provides you with several options to get a diploma.
Medical diplomas are greatly sought after by companies currently, and students who graduate in this field of study almost always have several career opportunities ready for them by the time they leave school.
Salary estimates for jobs in the Medical field, such as a plastic surgeon or dermatologist, are usually very high relative to median Alaska wages and compensation.
Alaska Medical Schools
University of Alaska AnchorageAnchorage, AK
7 medical majors. Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $20k. Moderately priced on-campus housing option. More than 10,500 students. Dangerous campus. ROTC programs.
University of Alaska FairbanksFairbanks, AK
4 medical majors. Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $23k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. About 6,700 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. SAT 1120, ACT 22 to enroll.
Alaska Pacific UniversityAnchorage, AK
2 medical majors. Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $20k. Affordable on-campus housing. More than 600 students. Generally safe campus. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 950, ACT 22 to enroll.
University of Alaska SoutheastJuneau, AK
3 medical majors. Associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $23k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Roughly 2,000 students. Safe campus.
Ilisagvik CollegeBarrow, AK
4 medical majors. Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $5k. Affordable on-campus housing option. About 200 students. Safe campus.