Occupational Safety and Health Schools in Oregon

in Oregon
Occupational Safety and Health SchoolsHaving 1 Occupational Safety and Health School, Oregon, "The Hard-case State", offers very limited schools and colleges to obtain the training and education that you deserve.

Occupational Safety and Health diplomas and certifications are strongly sought after by companies these days, and graduates of these programs usually have many job opportunities waiting for them when they graduate school.

Income figures for careers in the Occupational Safety and Health industry, like a building inspector, are typically very well paying compared to standard Oregon salaries and wages.

Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Schools

Lane Community CollegeLane Community CollegeEugene, OR
Lane Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $11k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Over 6,800 students. Generally safe campus.

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Occupational Therapy
We list 21 occupational therapy schools and colleges in Portland, Salem, Eugene, Corvallis, Newberg, La Grande, Forest Grove, and 12 more cities. About 800 occupational therapy diplomas and certificates are granted each academic year. Average tuition for occupational therapy programs in OR is about $33,500.

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Our listing contains 1 occupational safety and health school in Idaho Falls. Approximately 100 occupational safety and health diplomas and certificates are awarded every year. Average tuition for occupational safety and health programs in ID is about $6,800.

Our listing contains 1 occupational safety and health school in Las Vegas.

We reviewed 5 occupational safety and health schools and colleges in Pasco, Ellensburg, Lynnwood, Seattle, and Lakewood. About 100 occupational safety and health diplomas are granted each year. Average tuition for occupational safety and health programs in WA - $18,900.