Office and Clerical Services Schools in Maine

Office and Clerical Services SchoolsOut of the 30 Maine Colleges, only two schools provide Office and Clerical Services programs.

Office and Clerical Services diplomas can be greatly sought after by employers these days, and students who graduate in this program almost always have many job openings ready for them when they leave school.

Salary projections for jobs within the Office and Clerical Services industry, such as a secretary, are typically high compared to average Maine income figures.

Maine Office and Clerical Services Schools

University of New EnglandUniversity of New EnglandBiddeford, ME
University of New England Rating
Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $40k. On-campus housing option. Over 6,500 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs. SAT 1060, ACT 25 to enroll.

Northern Maine Community CollegeNorthern Maine Community CollegePresque Isle, ME
Northern Maine Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $6k. Affordable on-campus housing. Over 800 students. Safe campus.

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Related Programs in Maine

We reviewed 19 business schools and colleges in Bangor, Presque Isle, Calais, South Portland, Augusta, Orono, Farmington, and 13 other cities. Around 1,000 business degrees are granted every academic year. Average tuition for business programs in ME is approximately $20,400.

Our directory contains 20 management schools and colleges in Bangor, Presque Isle, Calais, Augusta, New Gloucester, Farmington, Standish, and 14 more cities. Approximately 1,400 management diplomas and certificates are granted every year. Average tuition for management programs in ME is approximately $22,700.

Retailing and Wholesaling
Get the details about 1 retailing and wholesaling school in Castine.

Office and Clerical Services Schools in Nearby States

Our listing contains 15 office and clerical services schools and colleges in Boston, Brockton, Springfield, Holyoke, Fall River, Worcester, Pittsfield, and 10 other cities. About 100 office and clerical services degrees are granted every academic year. Average tuition for office and clerical services programs in MA is approximately $8,600.

New Hampshire
Our listing contains 4 office and clerical services schools and colleges in Manchester, Concord, Laconia, and Durham. About 100 office and clerical services degrees are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for office and clerical services programs in NH - $13,800.

We list 1 office and clerical services school in Montpelier. About 100 office and clerical services degrees are granted each academic year. Average tuition for office and clerical services programs in VT is around $13,500.