Theater and Drama Schools in Minnesota
Having 39
Theater and Drama Schools,
Minnesota, "The Wheat State", provides you with a lot of options to get education.
Theater and Drama diplomas and certifications are greatly sought after by employers today, and students who graduate in this field of study have countless job opportunities awaiting them when they graduate college.
Salary estimates for jobs in the Theater and Drama field, like a scenographer, are usually very well paying compared to average Minnesota income figures.
Minnesota Theater and Drama Schools
University of Minnesota Twin CitiesMinneapolis, MNBachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Excellent retention rate. Tuition: $33k. Moderately priced on-campus housing option. About 55,000 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1370, ACT 30 to enroll.
Minnesota State University MankatoMankato, MN2 theater and drama majors. Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $18k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. Approximately 14,600 students. Dangerous campus. ROTC programs are offered. ACT 21 to enroll.
University of St ThomasSaint Paul, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Great retention rate. Tuition: $49k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. About 9,100 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. ACT 27 to enroll.
University of Minnesota DuluthDuluth, MNBachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $18k. On-campus housing option. Around 9,700 students. Dangerous campus. ROTC programs. SAT 1180, ACT 25 to enroll.
Macalester CollegeSaint Paul, MN2 theater and drama majors. Bachelor's degrees. Excellent student retention rate. Tuition: $62k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. Approximately 2,200 students. Very dangerous campus. SAT 1400, ACT 32 to enroll.
Hamline UniversitySaint Paul, MN3 theater and drama majors. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $46k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Roughly 2,700 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1130, ACT 23 to enroll.
St Olaf CollegeNorthfield, MNBachelor's degrees. Excellent student retention rate. Tuition: $55k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. About 3,100 students. Very dangerous campus. Affiliated with Evangelical Lutheran Church. SAT 1360, ACT 31 to enroll.
Saint Mary's University of MinnesotaWinona, MN4 theater and drama majors. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $41k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Approximately 4,200 students. Relatively safe campus. Affiliated with Roman Catholic Church. SAT 970, ACT 25 to enroll.
Minnesota State University MoorheadMoorhead, MN4 theater and drama majors. Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $18k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. More than 4,700 students. Unsafe campus. ROTC programs are offered. ACT 21 to enroll.
Carleton CollegeNorthfield, MNBachelor's degrees. Outstanding retention rate. Tuition: $62k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. More than 2,100 students. Very dangerous campus. SAT 1470, ACT 34 to enroll.
Gustavus Adolphus CollegeSaint Peter, MNBachelor's degrees. Great student retention rate. Tuition: $52k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Around 2,100 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. ACT 28 to enroll.
Bethel University Saint PaulSaint Paul, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $41k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Roughly 3,600 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. Affiliated with Baptist Church. ACT 24 to enroll.
Augsburg UniversityMinneapolis, MN5 theater and drama majors. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $41k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. Over 3,100 students. Dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. SAT 1060, ACT 20 to enroll.
Concordia College at MoorheadMoorhead, MNBachelor's and master's degrees. Tuition: $28k. Affordable on-campus housing. Approximately 2,000 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. Affiliated with Evangelical Lutheran Church. ACT 25 to enroll.
University of Northwestern St PaulSaint Paul, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $34k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. Roughly 3,300 students. Relatively safe campus. ROTC programs are offered. Affiliated with Protestant Church. ACT 25 to enroll.
Bethany Lutheran CollegeMankato, MNBachelor's and master's degrees. Tuition: $28k. Affordable on-campus housing. More than 900 students. Generally safe campus. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1180, ACT 23 to enroll.
Concordia University Saint PaulSaint Paul, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $24k. Affordable on-campus housing option. Roughly 5,600 students. Generally safe campus. ROTC programs. Affiliated with Lutheran Church of Missouri Synod. ACT 25 to enroll.
North Central UniversityMinneapolis, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $27k. Affordable on-campus housing. About 1,000 students. Relatively safe campus. ROTC programs are offered. Affiliated with Assemblies of God Church. ACT 21 to enroll.
St Catherine UniversitySaint Paul, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $37k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. Around 3,600 students. Relatively safe campus. ROTC programs. Affiliated with Roman Catholic Church. SAT 1220, ACT 22 to enroll.
Saint Cloud State UniversitySaint Cloud, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $19k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. Roughly 10,500 students. Dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. ACT 21 to enroll.
College of Saint BenedictSaint Joseph, MNBachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Great retention rate. Tuition: $51k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. More than 1,500 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1130, ACT 24 to enroll.
Winona State UniversityWinona, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $15k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. About 6,200 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs. ACT 22 to enroll.
Saint Johns UniversityCollegeville, MNBachelor's and master's degrees. Great retention rate. Tuition: $51k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Around 1,700 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. SAT 1040, ACT 24 to enroll.
Bemidji State UniversityBemidji, MNAssociate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. Around 4,100 students. Very dangerous campus. ACT 21 to enroll.