Overall Rating:
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Faculty Salary
Quality of education at any specific college strongly depends on people who teach there.
In this report for
Institute of Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Med we provide you with information about faculty structure, salaries, and class sizes, as well as comparisons to competing and nearby colleges.
Faculty Compensation and Workload
As a rule, properly compensated instructors are better motivated and have more opportunities to concentrate on teaching; therefore, we consider faculty compensation to be an important factor for evaluating education quality.
Monthly faculty salaries at Institute of Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Med vary approximately from $2,000 to $3,000. The average full-time faculty salary at this college is approximately $33,000 a year - which is 75% lower than Hawaii average faculty compensation.
Women faculty members at the college are paid $4,166 a month on average; it is way higher than average men faculty salaries, $2,083 a month.
Faculty Rank
School Average
HI Average
Annual Faculty Wages
Students to Faculty Ratios

Students to
Faculty Ratio
7 : 1
Institute of Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Med has a very good, 7:1 students-to-faculty ratio.
Low ratios usually imply smaller class size, more attention to students, better quality of education, and higher satisfaction both for students and instructors. High ratios are usually a sign of the opposite.
Use the charts above to compare faculty compensation and workload at Institute of Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Med versus nearby colleges.
Faculty Ranking and Demographics
The full-time faculty at Institute of Clinical Acupuncture & Oriental Med consists of 3 instructors - 2 men and 1 woman:

Please note that faculty rank (e.g. associate professor, lecturer, instructor) is typically assigned by the college itself.