Miller Motte College Jacksonville: Faculty & Salaries

Overall Rating:Overall Ranking - FairQuality:Education Quality Rating - Very BadSafety:Capmus Safety Rating - OustandingCosts:Tuition & Fees Cost Rating - Oustanding

ReviewMajors / RatingsTuition / LoansFaculty / SalariesCampus Crime

Faculty Salary
Quality of education at any specific college strongly depends on people who teach there.

In this report for Miller Motte College Jacksonville we provide you with information about faculty structure, salaries, and class sizes, as well as comparisons to competing and nearby colleges.

Faculty Compensation and Workload

As a rule, properly compensated instructors are better motivated and have more opportunities to concentrate on teaching; therefore, we consider faculty compensation to be an important factor for evaluating education quality.

Monthly faculty salaries at Miller Motte College Jacksonville vary approximately from $3,000 to $4,000. The average full-time faculty salary at this college is approximately $47,000 a year - it is 58% lower than North Carolina average faculty compensation.

Women faculty members at this school are paid $3,812 a month on average; it is about the same as average men faculty salaries, $3,997 a month.

Faculty Rank
School Average
NC Average


Annual Faculty Wages
Students to Faculty Ratios

Miller Motte College Jacksonville Faculty Compensation and Workload Chart
Students to
Faculty Ratio
11 : 1
Miller Motte College Jacksonville has a good, 11:1 students-to-faculty ratio.

Low ratios typically imply smaller class size, more attention to students, better quality of education, and higher satisfaction both for students and instructors. High ratios are usually a sign of the opposite.

Use the charts above to compare faculty compensation and workload at Miller Motte College Jacksonville versus nearby colleges.

Faculty Ranking and Demographics

The full-time faculty at Miller Motte College Jacksonville consists of 11 instructors - 6 men and 5 women:
Miller Motte College Jacksonville Faculty Demographics Chart

Please note that faculty rank (e.g. associate professor, lecturer, instructor) is usually assigned by the college itself.

Alternatives to Miller Motte College Jacksonville

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Wake Technical Community College Rating
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Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Roughly 10,300 students. Safe campus. Well known for their general studies, management, and business programs. ROTC programs are offered.

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Pitt Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $6k. About 7,200 students. Generally safe campus. Strong emphasis on general studies, medical, and management programs. ROTC programs are available.

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Miller Motte College Fayetteville Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $10k. Roughly 200 students. Safe campus. Offers strong medical assistant and engineering programs.

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Living Arts College Rating
Bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $15k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. Around 200 students. Well known for their medical assistant, graphic design and animation, and computer science programs.

Johnston Community CollegeJohnston Community CollegeSmithfield, NC
Johnston Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. About 4,300 students. Safe campus. Popular general studies, medical, and industrial technologies programs.

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Wayne Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Around 2,800 students. Safe campus. Offers strong general studies, management, and business programs.

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Associate's degrees. Tuition: $11k. Around 1,600 students. Safe campus. Offers strong general studies, nursing, and medical assistant programs.

Other Nearby Colleges

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Associate's degrees. Tuition: $6k. Around 2,800 students. Safe campus. Concentration on general studies, nursing, and computer science programs.

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Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Over 2,200 students. Safe campus. Top offerings include general studies, medical, and management programs.

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Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. About 1,600 students. Safe campus. Well known for their general studies, medical, and medical assistant programs.

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Pamlico Community College Rating
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