Pima Medical Institute Dillon: Faculty & Salaries

Overall Rating:Overall Ranking - FairQuality:Education Quality Rating - PoorSafety:Capmus Safety Rating - OustandingCosts:Tuition & Fees Cost Rating - Fair

ReviewMajors / RatingsFaculty / SalariesCampus Crime

Faculty Salary
Quality of education at any specific college strongly depends on people who teach there.

In this report for Pima Medical Institute Dillon we provide you with information about faculty structure, salaries, and class sizes, as well as comparisons to competing and nearby colleges.

Faculty Compensation and Workload

As a rule, adequately compensated instructors are better motivated and have more opportunities to concentrate on teaching; therefore, we consider faculty compensation to be an important factor for evaluating education quality.

Faculty monthly salaries at Pima Medical Institute Dillon vary approximately from $7,000 to $8,000. The average full-time faculty salary at this college is approximately $92,000 a year - it is 1% higher than Montana average faculty compensation.

Faculty Rank
School Average
MT Average


Annual Faculty Wages
Students to Faculty Ratios

Pima Medical Institute Dillon Faculty Compensation and Workload Chart
Students to
Faculty Ratio
28 : 1
Pima Medical Institute Dillon has a bit disappointing, 28:1 students-to-faculty ratio.

Low ratios usually imply smaller class size, more attention to students, better quality of education, and higher satisfaction both for students and instructors. High ratios are usually a sign of the opposite.

Use the charts above to compare faculty compensation and workload at Pima Medical Institute Dillon versus nearby colleges.

Faculty Ranking and Demographics

The full-time faculty at Pima Medical Institute Dillon consists of 2 instructors - 2 women:
Pima Medical Institute Dillon Faculty Demographics Chart

Please note that faculty rank (e.g. associate professor, lecturer, instructor) is typically assigned by the college itself.

Alternatives to Pima Medical Institute Dillon

Academy of Cosmetology BozemanAcademy of Cosmetology BozemanBozeman, MT
Academy of Cosmetology Bozeman Rating
Outstanding retention rate. More than 100 students. Safe campus.

Butte Academy of Beauty CultureButte Academy of Beauty CultureButte, MT
Butte Academy of Beauty Culture Rating
Over 100 students. Safe campus.

Highlands College of Montana TechHighlands College of Montana TechButte, MT
Highlands College of Montana Tech Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Affordable on-campus housing. About 700 students. Safe campus. Popular electrical and electronics, installation and repair, and industrial technologies programs.

Montana Technological UniversityMontana Technological UniversityButte, MT
Montana Technological University Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $21k. Affordable on-campus housing. More than 1,700 students. Unsafe campus. Focus on engineering, occupational safety and health, and natural resources and environment programs. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1150, ACT 22 to enroll.

Montana State UniversityMontana State UniversityBozeman, MT
Montana State University Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $27k. On-campus housing. Around 16,700 students. Very dangerous campus. Well known for their engineering, business, and nursing programs. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1160, ACT 24 to enroll.

The University of Montana WesternThe University of Montana WesternDillon, MT
The University of Montana Western Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $16k. Affordable on-campus housing option. More than 1,500 students. Very dangerous campus. Strong emphasis on education, general studies, and management programs. ACT 19 to enroll.

Other Nearby Colleges

Carroll CollegeCarroll CollegeHelena, MT
Carroll College Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $38k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Roughly 1,200 students. Very dangerous campus. Offers strong nursing, biology, and medical programs. ROTC programs. SAT 1100, ACT 21 to enroll.

Helena College University of MontanaHelena College University of MontanaHelena, MT
Helena College University of Montana Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Roughly 1,500 students. Safe campus. Focus on general studies, industrial technologies, and nursing programs.

Brigham Young University IdahoBrigham Young University IdahoRexburg, ID
Brigham Young University Idaho Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $5k. Affordable on-campus housing option. Roughly 43,100 students. Dangerous campus. Popular general studies, management, and business programs. ROTC programs. ACT 22 to enroll.

Austin Kade AcademyAustin Kade AcademyIdaho Falls, ID
Austin Kade Academy Rating
Approximately 100 students. Safe campus.

College of Eastern IdahoCollege of Eastern IdahoIdaho Falls, ID
College of Eastern Idaho Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $7k. Around 2,400 students. Safe campus. Focus on general studies, nursing, and computer science programs.

Provo College Idaho FallsProvo College Idaho FallsIdaho Falls, ID
Provo College Idaho Falls Rating
Bachelor's and master's degrees. Tuition: $17k. Around 200 students. Safe campus.

The University of MontanaThe University of MontanaMissoula, MT
The University of Montana Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $27k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Around 10,000 students. Very dangerous campus. Offers strong medical, physical therapy, and management programs. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1120, ACT 24 to enroll.

Nathan Layne Institute of CosmetologyNathan Layne Institute of CosmetologyChubbuck, ID
Nathan Layne Institute of Cosmetology Rating
Great retention rate. Over 100 students. Safe campus.

Idaho State UniversityIdaho State UniversityPocatello, ID
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Associate's degrees. Tuition: $11k. Approximately 1,200 students. Safe campus. Has strong presence in general studies, medical assistant, and medical programs.

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Montana Academy of Salons Rating
Approximately 100 students. Safe campus.

University of ProvidenceUniversity of ProvidenceGreat Falls, MT
University of Providence Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $27k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Over 1,000 students. Safe campus. Best known for nursing, medical assistant, and management programs. Affiliated with Roman Catholic Church. ACT 20 to enroll.

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Outstanding student retention rate. Approximately 100 students. Known for cosmetology program.

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Rocky Mountain College Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $31k. Affordable on-campus housing. Roughly 1,100 students. Very dangerous campus. Focus on medical assistant, occupational therapy, and business programs. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1080, ACT 21 to enroll.

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Associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $18k. Affordable on-campus housing option. About 4,100 students. Dangerous campus. Places a focus on business, education, and medical programs. ROTC programs are available.

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Associate's degrees. Tuition: $11k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. More than 2,200 students. Generally safe campus. Strong emphasis on general studies, medical assistant, and nursing programs.

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Blackfeet Community College Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $3k. Roughly 400 students. Safe campus. Top offerings include education, psychology, and medical programs.

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