Similar Programs in New York
BusinessOur directory contains 160 business schools and colleges in New York City, Buffalo, Bronx, Brooklyn, Rochester, Albany, Syracuse, and 84 more cities. Approximately 23,800 business degrees are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for business programs in NY - $28,200.
Computer ScienceOur listing contains 153 computer science schools and colleges in New York City, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Rochester, Bronx, Albany, Syracuse, and 79 other cities. About 21,600 computer science diplomas are granted each academic year. Average tuition for computer science programs in NY: $38,300.
EngineeringRead about 86 engineering schools and colleges in New York City, Bronx, Buffalo, Brooklyn, Rochester, Syracuse, Ithaca, and 54 more cities. About 14,300 engineering degrees are granted every year. Average tuition for engineering programs in NY is approximately $40,800.
General StudiesWe reviewed 149 general studies schools and colleges in New York City, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Rochester, Bronx, Albany, Troy, and 82 more cities. Approximately 19,600 general studies diplomas and certificates are granted every year. Average tuition for general studies programs in NY is roughly $18,900.
ManagementRead about 168 management schools and colleges in New York City, Buffalo, Brooklyn, Bronx, Rochester, Albany, Syracuse, and 84 more cities. Around 31,400 management diplomas are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for management programs in NY is approximately $32,300.
MedicalRead about 173 medical schools and colleges in New York City, Buffalo, Brooklyn, Rochester, Albany, Bronx, Syracuse, and 83 other cities. About 21,900 medical diplomas are granted every academic year. Average tuition for medical programs in NY is approximately $30,000.
Natural Resources and EnvironmentRead about 115 natural resources and environment schools and colleges in New York City, Rochester, Brooklyn, Bronx, Buffalo, Syracuse, Plattsburgh, and 68 more cities. Approximately 3,000 natural resources and environment diplomas are granted every academic year. Average tuition for natural resources and environment programs in NY is about $40,400.
PhysicsGet the details about 82 physics schools and colleges in New York City, Rochester, Bronx, Brooklyn, Troy, Buffalo, Syracuse, and 44 other cities. Around 2,700 physics diplomas and certificates are granted every academic year. Average tuition for physics programs in NY is around $34,300.
Social WorkRead about 110 social work schools and colleges in New York City, Bronx, Rochester, Brooklyn, Buffalo, Syracuse, Albany, and 63 more cities. About 10,900 social work degrees are granted each academic year. Average tuition for social work programs in NY is roughly $32,200.
Sociology and AnthropologyOur listing contains 94 sociology and anthropology schools and colleges in New York City, Rochester, Buffalo, Bronx, Brooklyn, Albany, Syracuse, and 48 more cities. Approximately 5,900 sociology and anthropology diplomas are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for sociology and anthropology programs in NY is around $30,600.
Urban DevelopmentWe reviewed 29 urban development schools and colleges in New York City, Buffalo, Bronx, Syracuse, Brooklyn, Rochester, Paul Smiths, and 12 other cities. About 1,100 urban development diplomas are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for urban development programs in NY: $45,200.