Hair Academy: Crime & Safety

Overall Rating:Overall Ranking - Below AverageQuality:Education Quality Rating - Very BadSafety:Capmus Safety Rating - OustandingCosts:Tuition & Fees Cost Rating - Fair

ReviewMajors / RatingsCampus Crime

Hair Academy LogoA Hair Academy is a private for-profit school in New Carrollton, Maryland with about 270 students and 20 employees.

Our Safety Report for this school is based on the US Department of Education 2023 public data sets for various categories of violent and non-violent crimes committed both on-campus and off-campus over the last three years.

Safety Evaluation

According to our analysis of the government information, Hair Academy is a safe place to stay. American School Search gives this school grade "A" on safety.

From our perception of the data, this campus has no significant crime problems.

If you are an official at Hair Academy and you would like to provide additional details or express a different perspective on your college safety, please Contact Us and we will publish your point of view (up to 1,000 characters) on this page.

Get more details and analysis about this college from Hair Academy Review. In addition, you might want to check our ratings for the 100 Safest and for the 100 Most Dangerous colleges in the US or learn about American School Search Safety Reports.

Criminal Offenses at Hair Academy in 2020 - 2022

Alleged criminal offenses reported to campus security authorities and/or local police
Does not necessarily reflect prosecutions or convictions for crime

Type of Crime or Arrest
Crime Chance*


Neglient Manslaughter

Forcible Sex Offense

Nonforcible Sex Offense


Aggravated Assault


Motor Vehicle Theft


Illegal Weapons Possession

Drug Law Violation

Liquor Law Violation

* Crime Chance is American School Search's subjective and approximate estimate for a student's chance of experiencing this crime during their study at Hair Academy based on the present enrollment, past crime history, current crime trend, and an assumption that the school reports accurate numbers to the government. Safety Grade is American School Search's subjective evaluation of Hair Academy campus safety based on the same criteria and assumption.

Need to File a Complaint?

If you have been discriminated or abused at Hair Academy, or you believe that this college underreports campus crime statistics, then please consider filing a complaint with US Department of Education.

As of May 1st, 2014, fifty five colleges are under investigation for possible violations of federal law over the handling of sexual violence and harassment complaints. Many of those schools are frequent guests in our exclusive 100 Most Dangerous Colleges list.

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