Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls: Tuition & Loans

Overall Rating:Overall Ranking - GoodQuality:Education Quality Rating - Below AverageSafety:Capmus Safety Rating - OustandingCosts:Tuition & Fees Cost Rating - Excellent

ReviewMajors / RatingsTuition / LoansCampus Crime

Tuition and fees per year
Average tuition price at Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls is close to the nationwide median, $12,500 per academic year.

The chart below shows Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls tuition costs and additional fees compared to the competing and nearby colleges:

Anunual Tuition and Fees in Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls and Competing Colleges

Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls Tuition Comparison Chart

Books and Supplies

The average cost of books and additional supplies required to study at Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls is $1,500 a year, which is a reasonable price if compared to other colleges in Idaho.

FAFSA Application

If you anticipate to file your FAFSA application for Federal Student Aid, the school code for Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls is 041506. Please verify this code before using it with your FAFSA application.

Federal Student Aid is an office of the US Department of Education, which provides financial aid to eligible students and families. To meet minimum eligibility requirements you will need to have a valid Social Security number and high school diploma or GED certificate.

Repaying Your School Loans

Failure Rate
The government reported that the median federal student loan amount for Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls is approximately $8,000.

At the same time, 11.7% of the recent Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls graduates have failed to maintain their federal student loan repayments. This rate of loan repayment defaults (11.7%) is below average and might lead to a conclusion that Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls graduates have good career perspectives.

Alternatives to Paul Mitchell the School Twin Falls

Aveda Institute Twin FallsAveda Institute Twin FallsTwin Falls, ID
Aveda Institute Twin Falls Rating
Tuition: $8k. Approximately 100 students. Safe campus. Known for barbering and hairstyling program.

Cosmetology School of Arts & SciencesCosmetology School of Arts & SciencesBurley, ID
Cosmetology School of Arts & Sciences Rating
Outstanding retention rate. Over 100 students. Safe campus. Has strong presence in cosmetology program.

Academy di FirenzeAcademy di FirenzeJerome, ID
Academy di Firenze Rating
Outstanding retention rate. Over 100 students. Strong emphasis on cosmetology program.

College of Southern IdahoCollege of Southern IdahoTwin Falls, ID
College of Southern Idaho Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $7k. Affordable on-campus housing option. Roughly 8,100 students. Relatively safe campus. Places a focus on general studies, medical, and management programs.

Other Nearby Colleges

Nathan Layne Institute of CosmetologyNathan Layne Institute of CosmetologyChubbuck, ID
Nathan Layne Institute of Cosmetology Rating
Great retention rate. Around 100 students. Safe campus.

Idaho State UniversityIdaho State UniversityPocatello, ID
Idaho State University Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $24k. Affordable on-campus housing. Over 12,400 students. Dangerous campus. Known for medical, medical assistant, and nursing programs. ROTC programs are offered.

Boise State UniversityBoise State UniversityBoise, ID
Boise State University Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $23k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Over 26,200 students. Dangerous campus. Well known for their medical, business, and nursing programs. ROTC programs. SAT 1090, ACT 24 to enroll.

Boise Barber CollegeBoise Barber CollegeBoise, ID
Boise Barber College Rating
Great retention rate. About 100 students. Generally safe campus. Known for barbering and hairstyling program.

Carrington College BoiseCarrington College BoiseBoise, ID
Carrington College Boise Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $11k. Approximately 500 students. Relatively safe campus. Concentration on medical assistant, dental, and nursing programs.

Paul Mitchell the School BoisePaul Mitchell the School BoiseBoise, ID
Paul Mitchell the School Boise Rating
Around 200 students. Safe campus.

Eagle Gate College BoiseEagle Gate College BoiseBoise, ID
Eagle Gate College Boise Rating
Bachelor's and master's degrees. Tuition: $17k. About 400 students. Safe campus.

Aveda Institute BoiseAveda Institute BoiseBoise, ID
Aveda Institute Boise Rating
Great student retention rate. Around 100 students. Safe campus. Concentration on cosmetology program.

Boise Bible CollegeBoise Bible CollegeBoise, ID
Boise Bible College Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $9k. Affordable on-campus housing option. Approximately 100 students. Safe campus. Strong emphasis on theology and religion program. Affiliated with Non-Denominational Church. SAT 970, ACT 21 to enroll.

Idaho College of Osteopathic MedicineIdaho College of Osteopathic MedicineMeridian, ID
Idaho College of Osteopathic Medicine Rating
Doctoral degrees. About 700 students.

Northwest Nazarene UniversityNorthwest Nazarene UniversityNampa, ID
Northwest Nazarene University Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $36k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Around 1,800 students. Safe campus. Strong education, nursing, and management programs. ROTC programs are available. SAT 1090, ACT 23 to enroll.

The Salon Professional Academy NampaThe Salon Professional Academy NampaNampa, ID
The Salon Professional Academy Nampa Rating
Tuition: $6k. Roughly 100 students. Safe campus.

Paul Mitchell the School NampaPaul Mitchell the School NampaNampa, ID
Paul Mitchell the School Nampa Rating
Approximately 200 students. Safe campus. Known for cosmetology program.

Great Basin CollegeGreat Basin CollegeElko, NV
Great Basin College Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $11k. Affordable on-campus housing. More than 3,200 students. Very dangerous campus. Offers strong general studies, industrial technologies, and electrical and electronics programs.

The College of IdahoThe College of IdahoCaldwell, ID
The College of Idaho Rating
Bachelor's and master's degrees. Tuition: $34k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Over 1,100 students. Very dangerous campus. Has strong management, business, and biology programs. ROTC programs are available. SAT 1130, ACT 26 to enroll.

Provo College Idaho FallsProvo College Idaho FallsIdaho Falls, ID
Provo College Idaho Falls Rating
Bachelor's and master's degrees. Tuition: $17k. More than 200 students. Safe campus.

Austin Kade AcademyAustin Kade AcademyIdaho Falls, ID
Austin Kade Academy Rating
Approximately 100 students. Safe campus.

College of Eastern IdahoCollege of Eastern IdahoIdaho Falls, ID
College of Eastern Idaho Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $7k. More than 2,400 students. Safe campus. Best known for offering general studies, nursing, and computer science programs.

Bridgerland Technical CollegeBridgerland Technical CollegeLogan, UT
Bridgerland Technical College Rating
Around 1,400 students. Safe campus. Has strong presence in industrial technologies, cosmetology, and installation and repair programs.

Paul Mitchell the School LoganPaul Mitchell the School LoganLogan, UT
Paul Mitchell the School Logan Rating
More than 200 students. Safe campus.

Utah State UniversityUtah State UniversityLogan, UT
Utah State University Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $23k. Affordable on-campus housing. Around 28,000 students. Very dangerous campus. Strong general studies, medical, and education programs. ROTC programs. ACT 24 to enroll.

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