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Tuition and fees per year
Average tuition at
Louisiana Culinary Institute fairly high - about $15,500 per year. The additional fees at Louisiana Culinary Institute beyond tuition are around $100; this totals $15,600 per year.
The chart below shows Louisiana Culinary Institute tuition costs and additional fees compared to the competing and nearby colleges:
Anunual Tuition and Fees in Louisiana Culinary Institute and Competing Colleges

Books and Supplies
The average cost of books and additional supplies required to study at Louisiana Culinary Institute is $3,000 a year, which is very expensive if compared to other colleges in Louisiana.
FAFSA Application
If you would like to file your FAFSA application for Federal Student Aid, the college code for Louisiana Culinary Institute is 041123. Please
verify this code before using it with your FAFSA application.
Federal Student Aid is an office of the US Department of Education, which provides financial aid to eligible students. To meet minimum eligibility requirements you will need to have a valid Social Security number and high school diploma or GED certificate.
Repaying Your School Loans
Failure Rate
The government reported that the median federal student loan amount for Louisiana Culinary Institute is approximately $8,700.
At the same time, 4.9% of the recent Louisiana Culinary Institute graduates have failed to maintain their federal student loan repayments. This rate of loan repayment defaults (4.9%) is low and might lead to a conclusion that Louisiana Culinary Institute graduates have great career perspectives.