Upper Valley Career Center: Tuition & Loans

Overall Rating:Overall Ranking - Very GoodQuality:Education Quality Rating - ExcellentSafety:Capmus Safety Rating - OustandingCosts:Tuition & Fees Cost Rating - Oustanding

ReviewMajors / RatingsTuition / LoansCampus Crime

Tuition and fees per year
Average tuition cost at Upper Valley Career Center is low, $6,600 a year. The additional fees at Upper Valley Career Center beyond tuition are nearly $400; which comes to $7,000 per year.

The chart below shows Upper Valley Career Center tuition costs and additional fees compared to the competing and nearby colleges:

Anunual Tuition and Fees in Upper Valley Career Center and Competing Colleges

Upper Valley Career Center Tuition Comparison Chart

FAFSA Application

If you are planning to file your FAFSA application for Federal Student Aid, the school code for Upper Valley Career Center is 014058. Please verify this code before using it with your FAFSA application.

Federal Student Aid is an office of the US Department of Education, which provides grants and loans to eligible applicants. To meet minimum eligibility requirements you will need to have a valid Social Security number and high school diploma or GED certificate.

Repaying Your School Loans

Failure Rate
The government reported that the median federal student loan amount for Upper Valley Career Center is approximately $7,100.

At the same time, 9.2% of the recent Upper Valley Career Center graduates have failed to maintain their federal student loan repayments. This rate of loan repayment defaults (9.2%) is low and might lead to a conclusion that Upper Valley Career Center graduates have very good career perspectives.

Alternatives to Upper Valley Career Center

Ohio Institute of Allied HealthOhio Institute of Allied HealthHuber Heights, OH
Ohio Institute of Allied Health Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $17k. Over 100 students. Safe campus.

Indiana Wesleyan University MarionIndiana Wesleyan University MarionMarion, IN
Indiana Wesleyan University Marion Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $30k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. About 2,700 students. Very dangerous campus. Known for psychology, education, and nursing programs. ROTC programs. SAT 1080, ACT 24 to enroll.

Denison UniversityDenison UniversityGranville, OH
Denison University Rating
Bachelor's degrees. Excellent retention rate. Tuition: $60k. Moderately priced on-campus housing option. More than 2,500 students. Very dangerous campus. Well known for economics, communication and journalism, and biology programs. ACT 31 to enroll.

Ohio State University NewarkOhio State University NewarkNewark, OH
Ohio State University Newark Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $33k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Around 2,300 students. Very dangerous campus. Well known for general studies, social work, and education programs.

Moler Pickens Beauty AcademyMoler Pickens Beauty AcademyFairfield, OH
Moler Pickens Beauty Academy Rating
Tuition: $14k. Roughly 200 students. Safe campus.

Valor Christian CollegeValor Christian CollegeCanal Winchester, OH
Valor Christian College Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. More than 400 students. Safe campus.

Athenaeum of OhioAthenaeum of OhioCincinnati, OH
Athenaeum of Ohio Rating
Master's degrees. Great retention rate. Tuition: $20k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Over 200 students. Affiliated with Roman Catholic Church.

International College of BroadcastingInternational College of BroadcastingDayton, OH
International College of Broadcasting Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $12k. About 100 students. Safe campus. Specializes in broadcasting program.

Pontifical College JosephinumPontifical College JosephinumColumbus, OH
Pontifical College Josephinum Rating
Bachelor's and master's degrees. Outstanding retention rate. Tuition: $28k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. Approximately 200 students. Safe campus. Places a focus on theology and religion program.

Other Nearby Colleges

Edison State Community CollegeEdison State Community CollegePiqua, OH
Edison State Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $7k. Approximately 4,400 students. Safe campus. Well known for their general studies, business, and industrial technologies programs.

Hobart Institute of Welding TechnologyHobart Institute of Welding TechnologyTroy, OH
Hobart Institute of Welding Technology Rating
Excellent retention rate. Around 400 students. Safe campus.

Miami Valley Career Technology CenterMiami Valley Career Technology CenterEnglewood, OH
Miami Valley Career Technology Center Rating
Great student retention rate. Over 200 students. Safe campus. Places a focus on nursing, electrical and electronics, and industrial technologies programs.

Ohio Business College Dayton Driving AcademyOhio Business College Dayton Driving AcademyTrotwood, OH
Ohio Business College Dayton Driving Academy Rating
Excellent retention rate. Over 200 students. Safe campus.

United Theological SeminaryUnited Theological SeminaryDayton, OH
United Theological Seminary Rating
Master's and doctoral degrees. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. About 500 students. Safe campus. Affiliated with United Methodist Church.

Wittenberg UniversityWittenberg UniversitySpringfield, OH
Wittenberg University Rating
Bachelor's and master's degrees. Tuition: $42k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing option. Around 1,300 students. Very dangerous campus. Focus on education, occupational therapy, and biology programs. ROTC programs. ACT 25 to enroll.

Air Force Institute of TechnologyAir Force Institute of TechnologyDayton, OH
Air Force Institute of Technology Rating
Master's and doctoral degrees. Roughly 1,100 students. Focus on engineering, physics, and computer science programs.

Wright State UniversityWright State UniversityDayton, OH
Wright State University Rating
Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $20k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. About 9,700 students. Very dangerous campus. Has strong business, management, and engineering programs. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1030, ACT 21 to enroll.

Sinclair Community CollegeSinclair Community CollegeDayton, OH
Sinclair Community College Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $8k. Roughly 17,600 students. Generally safe campus. Well known for their management, business, and general studies programs.

Clark State CollegeClark State CollegeSpringfield, OH
Clark State College Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Outstanding student retention rate. Tuition: $7k. About 4,800 students. Safe campus. Well known for their nursing, general studies, and medical assistant programs.

University of DaytonUniversity of DaytonDayton, OH
University of Dayton Rating
Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Great retention rate. Tuition: $46k. Above average on-campus housing. Roughly 11,700 students. Very dangerous campus. Strong emphasis on engineering, management, and education programs. SAT 1230, ACT 27 to enroll.

Antioch UniversityAntioch UniversityYellow Springs, OH
Antioch University Rating
Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $16k. Roughly 500 students. Safe campus. Popular management, general studies, and business programs.

Antioch CollegeAntioch CollegeYellow Springs, OH
Antioch College Rating
Bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $36k. Affordable on-campus housing option. Around 200 students. Very dangerous campus. Best known for general studies, psychology, and biology programs. ACT 23 to enroll.

Wright State University LakeWright State University LakeCelina, OH
Wright State University Lake Rating
Associate's and bachelor's degrees. Tuition: $16k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. Around 1,300 students. Unsafe campus. Strong emphasis on business, management, and engineering programs. ROTC programs are offered. SAT 1020, ACT 21 to enroll.

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