Law Schools in Wisconsin

Law SchoolsOut of the 84 Colleges in Wisconsin, five schools provide Law programs.

Law diplomas are strongly in demand by companies today, and graduates of these programs find themselves with several career opportunities awaiting them by the time they finish school.

Expected salaries for job positions in the Law industry, like a divorce lawyer, are usually very high compared to median Wisconsin salaries.

Wisconsin Law Schools

University of Wisconsin MadisonUniversity of Wisconsin MadisonMadison, WI
University of Wisconsin Madison Rating
5 law majors. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Excellent student retention rate. Tuition: $38k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. More than 49,000 students. Very dangerous campus. SAT 1400, ACT 29 to enroll.

Marquette UniversityMarquette UniversityMilwaukee, WI
Marquette University Rating
3 law majors. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Great retention rate. Tuition: $46k. Above average on-campus housing. Over 11,200 students. Very dangerous campus. SAT 1240, ACT 29 to enroll.

University of Wisconsin SuperiorUniversity of Wisconsin SuperiorSuperior, WI
University of Wisconsin Superior Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, and master's degrees. Tuition: $14k. Affordable on-campus housing. About 2,800 students. Unsafe campus. ROTC programs. ACT 20 to enroll.

University of Wisconsin MilwaukeeUniversity of Wisconsin MilwaukeeMilwaukee, WI
University of Wisconsin Milwaukee Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $20k. Reasonably priced on-campus housing. About 22,700 students. Dangerous campus. ROTC programs are offered. ACT 21 to enroll.

University of Wisconsin WhitewaterUniversity of Wisconsin WhitewaterWhitewater, WI
University of Wisconsin Whitewater Rating
Associate's, bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $16k. Affordable on-campus housing. More than 11,100 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. SAT 1010, ACT 21 to enroll.

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Learn about 13 law schools and colleges in Detroit, Ann Arbor, Rochester Hills, Livonia, East Lansing, Alpena, Mount Pleasant, and 9 more cities. About 1,400 law diplomas are awarded each year. Average tuition for law programs in MI: $43,800.

We reviewed 8 law schools and colleges in Saint Paul, Minneapolis, Duluth, Winona, and Mankato. Around 1,000 law diplomas are granted every academic year. Average tuition for law programs in MN is around $38,400.