Radiology Technology Schools in New Hampshire

Radiology Technology SchoolsOut of the 33 New Hampshire Colleges, only two schools provide Radiology Technology programs.

Radiology Technology diplomas and certifications are in demand by companies today, and students who graduate in these programs find themselves with several job openings ready for them by the time they graduate college.

Salary projections for job positions in the Radiology Technology industry, like a radiation therapist, are typically high in relation to most other New Hampshire income figures.

New Hampshire Radiology Technology Schools

NHTI Concord's Community CollegeNHTI Concord's Community CollegeConcord, NH
NHTI Concord's Community College Rating
2 radiology technology majors. Associate's degrees. Tuition: $15k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. Around 2,700 students. Dangerous campus.

River Valley Community CollegeRiver Valley Community CollegeClaremont, NH
River Valley Community College Rating
Associate's degrees. Tuition: $15k. Around 700 students. Relatively safe campus.

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Radiology Technology Schools in Nearby States

Read about 5 radiology technology schools and colleges in Lewiston, Standish, Fairfield, South Portland, and Bangor. About 100 radiology technology degrees are granted every year. Average tuition for radiology technology programs in ME is approximately $17,400.

Our listing contains 17 radiology technology schools and colleges in Boston, Medford, Haverhill, Wellesley Hills, North Adams, Lowell, Worcester, and 12 other cities. Around 300 radiology technology diplomas are granted every academic year. Average tuition for radiology technology programs in MA - $21,200.

Our directory contains 2 radiology technology schools and colleges in Randolph and Burlington. About 100 radiology technology diplomas are granted each year. Average tuition for radiology technology programs in VT is about $31,900.