Urban Development Schools in Nebraska

Urban Development SchoolsOf the 39 Nebraska Colleges, only two schools offer Urban Development programs.

Urban Development diplomas are often in demand by companies currently, and graduates of this program have several job openings awaiting them directly after they finish school.

Salary projections for job positions in the Urban Development industry, like a community association manager, are usually very well paying compared to most other Nebraska salaries and wages.

Nebraska Urban Development Schools

University of Nebraska LincolnUniversity of Nebraska LincolnLincoln, NE
University of Nebraska Lincoln Rating
3 urban development majors. Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $25k. Moderately priced on-campus housing. About 23,900 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs. ACT 25 to enroll.

University of Nebraska at OmahaUniversity of Nebraska at OmahaOmaha, NE
University of Nebraska at Omaha Rating
Bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees. Tuition: $20k. On-campus housing. Approximately 15,100 students. Very dangerous campus. ROTC programs are available. SAT 1050, ACT 22 to enroll.

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Related Programs in Nebraska

We reviewed 4 architecture schools and colleges in Lincoln, Norfolk, and Omaha. Approximately 300 architecture diplomas and certificates are granted each year. Average tuition for architecture programs in NE - $20,300.

Recreation and Leisure
We reviewed 4 recreation and leisure schools and colleges in Omaha, Chadron, Kearney, and Hastings. Approximately 100 recreation and leisure diplomas are awarded each year. Average tuition for recreation and leisure programs in NE: $12,600.

Urban Development Schools in Nearby States

Learn about 3 urban development schools and colleges in Fort Collins, Denver, and Boulder. About 300 urban development diplomas and certificates are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for urban development programs in CO is approximately $34,100.

Our listing contains 1 urban development school in Ames. Approximately 100 urban development diplomas are granted each year. Average tuition for urban development programs in IA: $25,200.

We list 3 urban development schools and colleges in Lawrence, Dodge City, and Manhattan. About 100 urban development degrees are granted each academic year. Average tuition for urban development programs in KS is about $26,400.

Get the details about 5 urban development schools and colleges in Saint Louis, Kansas City, and Springfield. Around 100 urban development diplomas and certificates are granted each year. Average tuition for urban development programs in MO is around $32,400.

South Dakota
We list 1 urban development school in Brookings. Approximately 100 urban development diplomas are granted each academic year. Average tuition for urban development programs in SD is approximately $11,300.