Similar Programs in Nebraska
Accounting and FinanceRead about 14 accounting and finance schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Norfolk, Fremont, Scottsbluff, Crete, York, and 7 more cities. About 1,100 accounting and finance degrees are granted each year. Average tuition for accounting and finance programs in NE is about $26,700.
AgricultureLearn about 12 agriculture schools and colleges in Lincoln, Kearney, Curtis, Seward, Norfolk, Grand Island, Crete, and 8 more cities. About 1,000 agriculture degrees are granted each year. Average tuition for agriculture programs in NE is roughly $18,300.
ArchitectureWe list 4 architecture schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, and Norfolk. Approximately 300 architecture degrees are granted each academic year. Average tuition for architecture programs in NE is roughly $20,300.
ArtWe list 21 art schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Crete, Grand Island, Scottsbluff, Chadron, North Platte, and 12 other cities. About 300 art degrees are granted every year. Average tuition for art programs in NE is about $18,700.
BiologyGet the details about 21 biology schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Norfolk, Hastings, Wayne, Chadron, Peru, and 12 other cities. Around 1,300 biology degrees are granted each year. Average tuition for biology programs in NE is roughly $26,100.
BroadcastingWe reviewed 5 broadcasting schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, and Norfolk. Around 100 broadcasting degrees are granted each year. Average tuition for broadcasting programs in NE is roughly $18,400.
BusinessOur listing contains 26 business schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Chadron, Macy, Winnebago, Hastings, and 16 more cities. Around 3,900 business diplomas and certificates are granted each year. Average tuition for business programs in NE - $16,000.
ChemistryWe list 17 chemistry schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Crete, Seward, Kearney, York, Chadron, and 9 more cities. Approximately 400 chemistry diplomas are granted every year. Average tuition for chemistry programs in NE is about $26,800.
Communication and JournalismWe reviewed 16 communication and journalism schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Hastings, Chadron, Seward, Fremont, York, and 9 more cities. Approximately 800 communication and journalism diplomas and certificates are awarded every year. Average tuition for communication and journalism programs in NE is around $23,000.
Computer ScienceOur listing contains 18 computer science schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, North Platte, Kearney, Wayne, Crete, Peru, and 10 other cities. Around 1,700 computer science diplomas and certificates are awarded every year. Average tuition for computer science programs in NE - $13,200.
ConstructionOur directory contains 7 construction schools and colleges in Lincoln, North Platte, Norfolk, Grand Island, Omaha, and Macy. Approximately 300 construction diplomas and certificates are granted each academic year. Average tuition for construction programs in NE: $14,600.
Criminal JusticeOur directory contains 20 criminal justice schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Scottsbluff, Bellevue, Norfolk, Hastings, and 12 other cities. Approximately 800 criminal justice diplomas and certificates are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for criminal justice programs in NE is approximately $14,800.
Dance and BalletGet the details about 3 dance and ballet schools and colleges in Lincoln and Chadron. Approximately 100 dance and ballet diplomas and certificates are granted every academic year. Average tuition for dance and ballet programs in NE is approximately $24,900.
DentalGet the details about 9 dental schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, North Platte, Grand Island, Scottsbluff, and Norfolk. Around 300 dental diplomas are granted each year. Average tuition for dental programs in NE is approximately $30,000.
EconomicsLearn about 10 economics schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Hastings, Wayne, Crete, Scottsbluff, Kearney, and Chadron. Around 500 economics diplomas are granted each year. Average tuition for economics programs in NE is approximately $25,300.
EducationWe list 24 education schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Norfolk, Kearney, Wayne, Crete, and 13 more cities. Approximately 3,600 education diplomas are awarded every year. Average tuition for education programs in NE is around $22,600.
EngineeringWe list 10 engineering schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, Norfolk, Crete, and Scottsbluff. Approximately 900 engineering degrees are granted every year. Average tuition for engineering programs in NE is roughly $22,100.
English and LiteratureLearn about 18 English and literature schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Chadron, Peru, Fremont, Wayne, Bellevue, and 10 more cities. About 400 English and literature degrees are granted each academic year. Average tuition for English and literature programs in NE - $25,300.
Ethnic and Cultural StudiesWe reviewed 7 ethnic and cultural studies schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Hastings, Macy, and Winnebago. About 100 ethnic and cultural studies diplomas and certificates are awarded each year. Average tuition for ethnic and cultural studies programs in NE: $24,500.
FashionWe reviewed 3 fashion schools and colleges in Lincoln, Bellevue, and Omaha. Around 100 fashion diplomas are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for fashion programs in NE is around $22,100.
Film and ActingOur listing contains 6 film and acting schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, and Crete. Approximately 100 film and acting diplomas and certificates are awarded every year. Average tuition for film and acting programs in NE: $17,100.
Foreign LanguagesGet the details about 13 foreign languages schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, Wayne, Hastings, Seward, Crete, and Scottsbluff. About 200 foreign languages degrees are granted each academic year. Average tuition for foreign languages programs in NE is roughly $24,300.
ForestryLearn about 2 forestry schools and colleges in Scottsbluff and Lincoln. Approximately 100 forestry diplomas are awarded every year. Average tuition for forestry programs in NE - $24,900.
General StudiesGet the details about 24 general studies schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, Seward, Fremont, Bellevue, Macy, and 15 other cities. Around 2,200 general studies diplomas are granted each year. Average tuition for general studies programs in NE: $9,200.
GeographyRead about 6 geography schools and colleges in Seward, Kearney, Omaha, Bellevue, Wayne, and Lincoln. Around 100 geography degrees are granted every year. Average tuition for geography programs in NE is roughly $20,700.
GeologyLearn about 2 geology schools and colleges in Omaha and Lincoln. Around 100 geology diplomas are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for geology programs in NE - $23,600.
Graphic Design and AnimationRead about 10 graphic design and animation schools and colleges in Lincoln, Crete, Peru, Bellevue, Wayne, Omaha, Hastings, Seward, and Norfolk. About 200 graphic design and animation diplomas and certificates are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for graphic design and animation programs in NE is about $17,200.
HistoryLearn about 16 history schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Bellevue, Peru, Kearney, Crete, Seward, and 10 more cities. Approximately 200 history diplomas are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for history programs in NE is roughly $21,900.
Industrial TechnologiesLearn about 9 industrial technologies schools and colleges in Lincoln, Norfolk, Bellevue, Omaha, Wayne, North Platte, Grand Island, and Scottsbluff. Around 400 industrial technologies diplomas are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for industrial technologies programs in NE is roughly $4,400.
Interior DesignGet the details about 3 interior design schools and colleges in Lincoln, Kearney, and Omaha. Approximately 100 interior design degrees are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for interior design programs in NE is roughly $15,200.
LawLearn about 6 law schools and colleges in Omaha, Crete, Bellevue, Lincoln, and Scottsbluff. Approximately 400 law diplomas and certificates are granted each academic year. Average tuition for law programs in NE is around $30,900.
ManagementOur listing contains 27 management schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Grand Island, Peru, Crete, Norfolk, Kearney, and 15 more cities. Around 4,500 management degrees are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for management programs in NE - $15,500.
Marketing and AdvertisingRead about 13 marketing and advertising schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Crete, North Platte, Grand Island, Bellevue, Seward, Fremont, and Hastings. Approximately 700 marketing and advertising degrees are granted every year. Average tuition for marketing and advertising programs in NE is approximately $24,800.
MathematicsLearn about 18 mathematics schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Kearney, York, Crete, Scottsbluff, and 11 more cities. About 400 mathematics diplomas are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for mathematics programs in NE is approximately $23,000.
MedicalWe reviewed 28 medical schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Scottsbluff, Hastings, Crete, North Platte, Wayne, and 14 more cities. About 2,200 medical degrees are granted every year. Average tuition for medical programs in NE: $24,200.
MeteorologyLearn about 2 meteorology schools and colleges in Omaha and Lincoln. About 100 meteorology diplomas and certificates are granted every year. Average tuition for meteorology programs in NE is around $26,500.
MusicLearn about 16 music schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Chadron, Peru, Fremont, Seward, Kearney, and 10 more cities. Approximately 300 music diplomas and certificates are awarded each year. Average tuition for music programs in NE is about $21,400.
Natural Resources and EnvironmentWe list 9 natural resources and environment schools and colleges in Omaha, Crete, Winnebago, Norfolk, Bellevue, Seward, and Lincoln. Approximately 200 natural resources and environment diplomas and certificates are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for natural resources and environment programs in NE is around $24,400.
Occupational TherapyOur directory contains 19 occupational therapy schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Bellevue, Norfolk, Hastings, Wayne, Crete, and 11 more cities. Approximately 900 occupational therapy degrees are awarded every year. Average tuition for occupational therapy programs in NE: $26,500.
ParalegalOur listing contains 8 paralegal schools and colleges in Omaha, Crete, Bellevue, Lincoln, and Scottsbluff. Around 100 paralegal degrees are granted every year. Average tuition for paralegal programs in NE - $11,700.
PharmacyOur directory contains 7 pharmacy schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Scottsbluff, Grand Island, and Norfolk. Around 300 pharmacy diplomas are granted every year. Average tuition for pharmacy programs in NE is about $37,400.
PhilosophyRead about 8 philosophy schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Fremont, Kearney, Bellevue, and Hastings. Around 100 philosophy diplomas are awarded every year. Average tuition for philosophy programs in NE is roughly $31,200.
PhysicsLearn about 14 physics schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Norfolk, Hastings, Scottsbluff, Crete, Kearney, Seward, and Chadron. About 100 physics diplomas and certificates are awarded every academic year. Average tuition for physics programs in NE: $30,100.
Political ScienceLearn about 13 political science schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Crete, Wayne, Kearney, Bellevue, Seward, and 7 more cities. About 400 political science diplomas and certificates are granted every academic year. Average tuition for political science programs in NE is approximately $23,900.
PsychologyOur listing contains 19 psychology schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, York, Crete, Scottsbluff, Norfolk, and 11 more cities. Around 1,300 psychology diplomas are granted every academic year. Average tuition for psychology programs in NE: $22,100.
Resort and HospitalityWe reviewed 4 resort and hospitality schools and colleges in Hastings, Omaha, Bellevue, and Lincoln. Approximately 200 resort and hospitality diplomas are granted each academic year. Average tuition for resort and hospitality programs in NE is about $15,700.
Retailing and WholesalingWe reviewed 4 retailing and wholesaling schools and colleges in Lincoln, Crete, and Bellevue. Approximately 100 retailing and wholesaling diplomas and certificates are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for retailing and wholesaling programs in NE is about $31,600.
Social WorkLearn about 19 social work schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Fremont, Scottsbluff, Bellevue, Norfolk, Kearney, and 11 other cities. Around 700 social work degrees are granted each academic year. Average tuition for social work programs in NE is roughly $14,700.
Sociology and AnthropologyGet the details about 15 sociology and anthropology schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Kearney, Crete, York, Hastings, Chadron, and 8 other cities. Around 300 sociology and anthropology diplomas are granted every year. Average tuition for sociology and anthropology programs in NE is roughly $26,400.
Theater and DramaOur directory contains 13 theater and drama schools and colleges in Omaha, Lincoln, Norfolk, Hastings, Scottsbluff, Crete, Wayne, and 7 more cities. Approximately 100 theater and drama diplomas are awarded each academic year. Average tuition for theater and drama programs in NE is about $26,900.
Urban DevelopmentWe reviewed 2 urban development schools and colleges in Omaha and Lincoln. About 100 urban development diplomas are awarded every year. Average tuition for urban development programs in NE is around $23,200.
VeterinaryWe list 5 veterinary schools and colleges in Omaha, Curtis, Norfolk, Scottsbluff, and Lincoln. Around 100 veterinary diplomas are awarded each year. Average tuition for veterinary programs in NE: $7,600.
Work and Family StudiesWe reviewed 14 work and family studies schools and colleges in Lincoln, Omaha, Chadron, Seward, North Platte, Kearney, Bellevue, and 8 other cities. About 700 work and family studies diplomas and certificates are granted each year. Average tuition for work and family studies programs in NE is roughly $17,300.